How do you identify tooth decay at Home? Symptoms and Diagnosis of Cavities

How do you identify tooth decay at Home? Symptoms and Diagnosis of Cavities 

You probably think you don't have any tooth decay. Well, here is a Reality check.
Most people who think they don't have cavities, actually do.
Dental caries, tooth decay, cavities, rotten tooth etc are some synonyms for the same.

What are cavities?

Cavities or tooth decay is the destruction of the top layer of the tooth that is enamel and dentin. This is because of action of acid producing bacteria from the food that remains in the mouth after meals. These bacteria can act on different parts of the tooth, and depending on where they are present their characteristics can vary.

There are different locations on each tooth where tooth decay can begin:
  • It can begin on the smooth outer surfaces of the teeth.
  • On the chewing surfaces of the teeth. Also called as the Occlusal surface.This region is where majority  of the caries starts. The reason being the chewing or occlusal surface of the teeth have a number of grooves or pits and fissures. These act as retention centers for food accumulation and caries initiation.
  • It can occur on the sides, adjacent to each other, this is called proximal caries.
  • It can begin on the root surfaces of the teeth which are  present at the neck of the teeth.



  • Sensitivity on having hot and cold food and drinks.
  • Mild pain on chewing food
  • Dark spot or line on your tooth surface.
  • Food getting stuck in between the teeth.
  • Pieces of tooth getting broken or chipped off.
  • Irritation of tissues around the tooth
  • Sharp edges felt on the tooth by the tongue causing cuts and ulcers on the inside of the cheeks.
  • Intense pain at night. Unable to sleep at night . Pain on lying down.

Now how will you know whether you have it? Here's how you can diagnose your

own tooth decay at home by yourself.
  • The most easy way is to check it by yourself in the mirror or ask a friend to
check for you.
  • Make sure you brush properly before you check for decay.
Sometimes food deposits might hide the presence of decays.
  • The decay in the chewing surfaces are easily seen as a brown to black
colored area.
  • In early stages they can look like a thin dark spot or line.

  • In more advanced stages, it can look like a dark hole in the tooth or to a full-fledged Deep cavity.

Once you start to notice a dark spot or line on your tooth surface, seek treatment from the dentist immediately. This will prevent the deepening of caries and further damage to the tooth.


Occusal surface decay:

Decay occurs on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. Check for decay in grooves, pits and fissures. it appears as a dark line or Dark spot on your tooth surface. In advanced stages of the decay, it can be seen as a big dark cavity or hole on the chewing surface. Pain can range from mild to severe depending on the depth of decay. Deep cavities pain due to the involvement of the nerve of the tooth.

Smooth surface decay:

To check for a smooth surface cavity retract your lips, cheeks and tongue and look for any sign of a light brown to Black discoloration or hole on any surface of the tooth. This rarely has symptoms unless it goes deep.

Proximal decay:

Checking for proximal caries is rather difficult to do by yourself at home.

The most common symptoms are
  • " food is getting stuck in between the teeth".
  • Slight sensitivity
  • Feels like a sharp edge of tooth.
  • difficulty eating food
  • intense or severe pain, especially in the night.

If you feel these symptoms,  it is very likely that you have proximal cavities or decay.

Root caries:

Root caries or cavities decay usually occurs in older individuals. This is a fairly prominent black spot near the neck of the tooth.

Secondary caries:

Another type of caries is called secondary caries. This sort of caries can happen due to continued decay under a previously filled tooth or restoration.
Symptoms of this include pain and discomfort in a previously filled tooth. This kind of decay can only be identified by using Radiographs.

Now having learnt how to diagnose yourself and identify caries yourself, If you do realize that you HAVE decay in any tooth, Do seek immediate treatment from your dentist.


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  2. Tooth decay is a cavities which is harm our full mouth. At that point you should take Tooth Decay Treatment from best dental clinic.


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