Wisdom teeth are the last molars to come in the mouth. They erupt between the age of 18-24 years.

During the process of evolution, the jaw sizes of human beings have reduced considerably.  The Early Man had large jaw bones and sufficient space in his mouth to host all 32 teeth including the 3rd molars/ wisdom teeth. But due to change in diets and the introduction to soft and processed food, the use of the jaws and forces applied on it have reduced. This in turn has lead to shrinking of the jaw sizes in humans of this generation. This has resulted in insufficient space for the wisdom teeth or 3rd molars.


Sometimes In a jaw with sufficient space for the wisdom teeth to erupt, there are almost no problems associated with it.
However, there can be an inflammation of the tissues and gums in that region leading to severe discomfort and pain. The main cause of this discomfort is the presence of food debris and deposits between the tooth surface and the tissue surface.

  1. Redness around the wisdom tooth region.
  2. Swollen gums and tissues
  3. Severe pain in the tooth.
  4. Difficulty in eating food.

This condition can be solved thorough :
  1. A round of scaling/ceaning or oral prophylaxis
  2. Use warm water and salt to rinse the area thoroughly eveyday.
  3. Use of over the counter painkillers like ibuprofen, diclofenac etc.
  4. Surgical treatment to remove the tissue covering the tooth.

The wisdom teeth, which are last to erupt, seldom have space in the mouth.
This results in impactions of wisdom teeth. Which means that the 3rd molars or wisdom teeth, remain in the bone itself for years without coming out. This condition doesn't pose any complication by itself. It is pain free and you won't even realize that the wisdom teeth are missing.

But Problems arise when the wisdom teeth are irritated or infected. Or they attempt to erupt and apply force on the adjacent teeth. In worse case scenarios, It can even lead to asymmetry of the face.

Symptoms associated with impacted wisdom teeth can be one or many of the following:
  1. Pain the last teeth region.
  2. Pain and Difficulty in opening the mouth.
  3. Pain in the ears.
  4. Pain in the jaw bones.
  5. Pain in the back of the neck region.
  6. Headache. 
  7. Pain in the back of the head. 
  8. Sensitivity in the region.
Effects of the wisdom teeth impaction:
  1. It can push the adjacent 2nd molars outside leading to disturbance in the Dental occlusion and difficulty in chewing food.
  2. It can cause food Lodgement leading to gum problems for the tooth next to it. It can cause decay of the 2nd molar teeth.
  3. Pressure from the impacted third molars can cause severe decay and destruction on the sides of the 2nd molars.
TREATMENT  Impacted wisdom teeth should be removed. It is better if you remove both the upper and lower wisdom tooth simultaneously. This is because if either upper or lower wisdom tooth is left on one side, it'll cause over-eruption of the tooth.


  1. Very well written about wisdom teeth. Here Cosmetic Dentistry also provide best dental treatment.

  2. You blog is eye-catching. I get pleasure from your Wisdom Teeth post. Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of writing with me.

  3. Very informative post, a tooth is pushing through at the back of my mouth is this normal?

    1. Hi Donnell, what you are describing is certainly not normal. I suggest you get your teeth checked.
      Best wishes.


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