What makes you look beautiful??

Whether a face is considered beautiful is greatly affected by cultural and ethnic factors, but whatever the culture, a severely disproportionate face is a problem.
Distorted and asymmetric facial features are a major contributor to facial
aesthetic problems, whereas proportionate features are generally
acceptable even if not beautiful. Judgments regarding dental esthetics are affected by the background attractiveness of the person’s face.

Frontal Examination:

In the frontal view, one looks for bilateral symmetry of the face and for proportionality of the widths of the eyes, nose, and mouth . A small degree of bilateral facial asymmetry exists in essentially all normal individuals. So, a drastic asymmetry in these facial features indicates a need for treatment.  The first step in analyzing facial proportions is to examine the face from the front.
Low-set ears or eyes that are unusually far apart (hypertelorism) may indicate either the
presence of a syndrome or craniofacial anomaly. If a syndrome is suspected, the patient’s hands should be examined for syndactyly, because there are several dental–digital syndromes.

Other than these facial features, the teeth play the most important role in determining the aesthetic of a person. A well aligned set of teeth, which are not tilted or overlapping, a good smile arc and symmetry determine the attractiveness of the face.

Side View Examination:

The next stage in assessing the attractiveness is by looking at the side profile of the person. A straight and uniform length in the side view if the face is extremely important to look attractive.

A curved side profile is usually considered unattractive. It can be caused due to defects during development or as a syndrome/anomaly.

Examination of Teeth:

Many people have crowded or crooked teeth. Teeth that are crooked or tilted do not look attractive. Orthodontic treatment will straighten the teeth or move them into a better position. This can improve their appearance and the way the teeth bite together, while also making them easier to clean.

Some people have upper front teeth that stick out and look unsightly. These 'prominent' teeth are more likely to be damaged, but orthodontic treatment can move them back into line. Or the way the upper and lower jaws meet can cause teeth to look unsightly and lead to an incorrect bite. Orthodontic treatment may be able to correct both of these problems.

A Gap between teeth is considered as a highly unattractive trait.

Jaw problems or Pain:

                           When the teeth don't meet correctly, this can put strain on the muscles of the jaw, causing jaw and joint problems and sometimes headaches. Orthodontic treatment can help you to bite more evenly and reduce the strain on jaws.

Even difficulty to close the lips together is indicative of a grave need for orthodontic treatment. If you notice any of these problems in yourself or people around you, please do help them by sharing information and by asking them to seek orthodontic treatment. 


  1. Now this was a great post, I'm wearing a braces on my lower teeth to fix my crooked tooth.


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